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Asset Management

Asset Management

Helping Our Clients Confidently Achieve Their Long-Term Investment Goals

We work with our private wealth clients to design a tailored investment portfolio. With sophisticated risk analytics and asset allocation tools, we can help ensure each client’s portfolio is constructed and managed in alignment with their unique, long-term risk and return objectives.

Experienced Asset Management

Our portfolio managers bring decades of experience to our investment process.


For clients in search of an investment portfolio diversified across asset classes, we combine our internally managed equity and fixed income strategies in an open architecture format to create a Multi-Asset Strategy portfolio. For each asset class, we select appropriate stocks, bonds, funds, or ETFs best suited for the portfolio. We employ a rigorous process for selecting both internal and external investment strategies.

Internally managed equity and fixed-income strategies include:


  • Disciplined Equity LargeCap, SMidCap, AllCap with custom ESG, values-based, and tax-managed capabilities
  • Fundamental Equity Large Cap Value, Large Cap Core, Small Cap Value, Small Cap Core, Small/Mid Cap Core, Global Value and International Value Stratergies


  • Municipal and Limited Duration Municipal Tax-Exempt Strategies
  • Short-Term, Intermediate, and Core Taxable Strategies

Dedicated Client Service

Every private wealth client works directly with our experienced investment professionals and client portfolio managers. We seek to build long-term relationships that emphasize open communication and collaboration to help our clients attain their goals.

Client Relationship Summary

To learn more about our private wealth capabilities, contact Tim Hannahs at

Definition of the Firm: Great Lakes Advisors, LLC (“Great Lakes” or “GLA”) is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. Established in 1981, Great Lakes is a subsidiary of Wintrust Financial Corporation and a part of the Wintrust Wealth Management family of companies. Great Lakes is a distinct business unit with distinct investment processes and procedures relating to the management and/or trading of investment portfolios for its clients. On October 1, 2013, majority owned subsidiary Advanced Investment Partners, LLC (“AIP”) became fully-owned and integrated into Great Lakes. On April 3, 2023, Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc. and Rothschild & Co Risk Based Investments LLC became fully-owned and integrated into Great Lakes.

GIPS:  Great Lakes Advisors, LLC claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute.  CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.  Policies for valuing investments, calculating performance, and preparing GIPS Reports are available upon request. A list of composite descriptions is available upon request. 

Fees: Great Lakes Advisors, LLC’s fees are available upon request and may be found in our Form ADV Part 2A. Performance results are presented gross and net of investment management fees.

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